RateSetter Australia推出分享型經濟信任度指數
RateSetter Australia是一傢P2P借貸平臺,是英國P2P借貸平臺開設在澳大利亞的分支機構。近日,RateSetter Australia推出瞭分享型經濟信任度指數,旨在分析澳大利亞民眾對於各種分享型經濟服務的使用情況和態度,例如乘車分享服務、住宿分享服務等等。RateSetter Australia將通過調查收據數據,自指數創立之日起,每半年更新一次。
由下圖可知,商品的線上交易(如eBay, Gumtree)是澳大利亞民眾最常使用的分享型經濟服務,其次則是乘車分享服務(如Uber)和住宿分享服務(如Airbnb)。
RateSetter是第一個在澳大利亞市場試水的英國平臺機構。Rhydian Lewis於2009年年底在英國創立瞭RateSetter集團。而澳大利亞的分支平臺則是由前投資銀行傢Daniel Foggo在2014年10月發起成立。RateSetter Australia提供給籌款人的貸款金額從2001美元到35000美元不等,時間期限也從6個月跨度到最長半年。
RateSetter Australia首席執行官Daniel Foggo表示:
More than half of Australians trust the sharing economy more than its traditional alternative.
RateSetter Australia, an Australian peer-to-peer lending platform named after its UK twin, has launched something called the Sharing Economy Trust Index. The index aims to explore Australians’ use of and attitudes towards Sharing Economy services, such as ride sharing services, accommodation sharing services and the like. Information is gathered through surveys and it will be updated on a semi-annual basis, beginning with today’s inaugural edition.
According to the index, more than half (52%) of Australians trust sharing economy services more than the traditional alternative. The research also reveals that 61% of Australians have used a sharing economy service in the previous six months and 85% intend to use one in the next year. In addition, almost a quarter (23%) of Australians spend at least $50 a month on P2P economy services, but that rises for 25-34 year olds, with a monthly average of $116.
Online marketplaces for goods (e.g. eBay, Gumtree) are the most commonly used Sharing Economy services by Australians, followed by ride sharing (e.g. Uber) and accommodation sharing (e.g. Airbnb), as the graph below shows.
RateSetter was the first UK platform to take on the relatively uncharted waters of the Australian market. The RateSetter group was founded in the United Kingdom in late 2009 by Rhydian Lewis, while the Australian branch of the platform was launched in October 2014 by former investment banker Daniel Foggo. RateSetter Australia offers borrowers loans from $2,001 to $35,000 for a timefr切割蛋糕機ame of 6 months up to 5 years.
RateSetter Australia CEO Daniel Foggo commented:
“The sharing economy is profoundly and permanently impacting how Australian consumers buy and sell goods, consume services and share surplus resources. It’s important to know how Australians feel about it – and how that affects their behaviour. The RateSetter Sharing Economy Trust Index is the first of its kind, providing a comprehensive overview of the nation’s confidence in the rapidly expanding sector.”
Sharing Economy Services are seen by Australians not only as something to be “consumed”, but also a great way to supplement their income. Indeed, 64% of Australians say they would consider using a sharing economy service to earn some money, preferring online marketplaces (56%), online outsourcing (18%) and accommodation sharing (12%).
Daniel concluded:
“Unsurprisingly, sharing and peer-to-peer services are becoming increasingly popular and that’s because these platforms deliver services more efficiently and affordably, whilst keeping their focus on the customer. […] Based on our inaugural report we expect the number of Australians involved in both consuming and providing P2P services will continue to grow rapidly.”
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